Meta tags

This article discusses meta tags and using the Bulk Meta upload tool for easier SEO management, and how they can be utilised for SEO.

Important: This feature is only available on business plans

What the Bulk Meta Tool is for

The bulk meta tool is used for managing your sites meta data which includes:

  1. Meta Title
  2. Meta Description

While all of these can be managed on a page-by-page level, having these all in one place makes it easy for SEOs to take a holistic view and deal with this meta data site wide.

The other advantage is if you are concerned about security and limiting who you provide access to the admin area of your website, you can send the relevant person the bulk meta file for them to complete, and send back to you to upload.

Where to access the bulk meta upload tool

On the top menu when logged in, go to: More > SEO Manager > Bulk Meta Upload tab.

How to use the tool

  1. Download the current data for the option you wish to update - We recommend you do this each time to make sure you are always using the most current data
  2. Update the columns in the CSV file
    1. Column A - Database ID should not be changed
    2. Column B - Name should not be changed
    3. Column C - URL should not be changed
  3. Save your file and upload
  4. Press the 'Upload Meta Data File button
  5. The save message will indicate how many rows have been updated, or if there are any errors.


It is very important to test each time to make sure everything worked as expected. The simplest way to do so is to spot check some of the pages in the page editor under > SEO Settings > Meta Title & Description fields to make sure the same values entered into the CSV file appear in these fields as well.

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