SEO Meta tags

Bulk management and AI writing

The Bulk Meta Upload tool under the 'SEO Manager' simplifies SEO management by allowing bulk editing of meta tags. This feature is available only on the business plan.

What the Bulk Meta Tool is for:

  • Meta Title: Manage the title tags of your pages.
  • Meta Description: Manage the description tags of your pages.

Managing meta tags in bulk provides a holistic view and simplifies site-wide updates. It also allows secure collaboration by enabling you to share the bulk meta file without granting admin access.

For more information on writing effective SEO meta tags or editing them on individual pages, click here.

Where to access this tool

On the top menu, go to: More > SEO Manager > Bulk Meta Upload tab.

How to use the tool

You have 2 options for using this tool:

  1. Manual bulk management: If you are very comfortable writing meta tags, this may be the option for you.
  2. 'Generate with AI': This option is perfect if you don't know how to write meta tags, not so comfortable writing meta tags, or want a quick time saving option.

Option 1: Manual bulk management

  1. Download Current Data:
    • Always download the current data to ensure you're working with the latest information.
  2. Update CSV File:
    • Column A (Database ID): Do not change.
    • Column B (Name): Do not change.
    • Column C (URL): Do not change.
    • Column D and E: Update Meta Title and Meta Description fields as needed.
  3. Upload Updated File:
    • Save your file and upload it using the 'Upload Meta Data File' button.
    • The save message will indicate the number of rows updated or any errors encountered.

Watch this help video below to take you through the steps above.

Option 2: Generate with AI

Limecube's AI Meta Writer feature allows you to generate meta tags using AI, simplifying the SEO process. This feature can be accessed within the same tab as the Bulk Meta Upload tool.

AI Settings Tab:

  • Located at the bottom of the left-hand column, this tab allows you to input specific information for the AI to use.
  • Fields include:
    • Business Name, Industry, Description: Pre-generated during site setup and used throughout Limecube.
    • Tone: Adjusts the style of the generated content.
    • Goal, SEO Keyword List, Key Messages, Target Audience, Key Benefits: These help craft more accurate and relevant meta titles and descriptions.

SEO Keyword List:

  • Paste your predefined SEO keyword list into this field.
  • The AI uses this list to match and generate meta tags for your pages.

Generating Meta Tags with AI:

  1. Post-Generation:
    1. After clicking "Generate with AI," view all your pages in the table below.
    2. Click "View AI Result" on the right of each page row.
  2. Pop-Up Details:
    1. Top Row: Displays current Meta Title and Description.
    2. Primary Keyword Field: Use this only if you have a specific keyword for the Meta Title.
  3. Review and Select:
    1. Below the Primary Keyword, three AI-generated variations are shown.
    2. Select the preferred options by clicking the circles next to them. These will apply to the top row.
    3. Adjust the Meta Title and Description if needed to fit character limits.
  4. Save Changes:
    1. Click "Save All" to save your changes.

Note: Available only on the Business Plan with three free generations per month. Each run records all results.


Spot check some pages in the page editor under > SEO Settings > Meta Title & Description fields to ensure the values from the CSV file match those in the fields.


  • Backup: Always keep a backup of your current meta data before making changes.
  • Consistency: Ensure consistency in your meta tags for better SEO performance.
  • Review: Regularly review and update your meta tags to keep them relevant and effective.

By following these steps above, you can efficiently manage your site's meta tags and improve your SEO strategy.

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