Adding & Duplicating pages

This page covers information on how to add a new page, duplicate an existing page, as well as how to publish your page.

Adding a new page

When creating pages on your site, it is important to consider what your top menu pages should contain, and what should be your sub-pages. A nicely organised menu and page structure makes it much easier for people to navigate your site.

When adding pages to the page panel, where you add your pages is reflective of your page structure. However, your pages will not appear on the menu unless you publish them to the menu.

You can find instructions below on how to:

  1. Add top-level pages
  2. Add sub-pages

Home/Index/Sub Pages

While there is really no difference between your home page and any other pages in terms of functionality, there always needs to be a home page for your site to function and have a page hierarchy starting point.

Home pages a.k.a. cover pages are bold landing pages used to make an enticing introduction to your website. This is also the most visited page on the website, by both users and search engines.

TIP: It is a good idea to test your load speeds after you have created a page, as the ideal load time should be around 3 seconds or less, and pages that are very image or video-heavy can increase load times. Click here to learn more about working with page speeds.

If you deactivate your home page, it deactivates the whole site, gives you a 404.

To Add a Page

  1. Go to ‘Page Editor’ on the Header
  2. Right Click on ‘Home’ (this will create the page at the top level of your pages or menu)
  3. Select ‘Add’
    add page
  4. or click the 'Add new page' button at the bottom of the left hand column
    add new page button
  5. You'll be prompted to choose from a list of options. The first option 'New page' is to create a new page with content in it.
    add page options

AI assisted page

You can choose the AI assisted page, for fast AI generation and creation of your layout and text.

  • During a free trial, you get 2 free pages to try out, after that AI credits need to be purchased for additional page creation.
  • Business Plan subscribers get unlimited free page generations.

Fill in the necessary fields, to create your page. The better the input, the better the output.

AI assisted page

Menu item name This is your page name, and when published appears on your navigation menu.
Page type This tells the AI what type of page you are creating. E.g to sell products or services, events. This context helps AI give you the right style of page.
Page description This gives the AI more information about the details the page should contain. Avoid adding colours or layout/design information, as the AI already takes care of that, and it may confuse the result.
Settings tab The settings tab contains the information you entered into your site when signing up, and the AI uses this information in part, as part of your page creation. This can be edited if you feel what you entered on signup was not fully correct.

Normal page

A normal page will be an empty starting point for you to build out a page exactly as you want it. Enter Page details and Select a Layout. When selecting a layout, think of these as a faster starting point for how your page may look, but not the only way they can look. Click here to learn more about modifying and creating different page structures.

If you want your page to follow the same layout as other pages, we recommend duplicating a page instead.

Select a Layout

The page-url field will automatically populate based on the page name. This can be manually changed if you wish.

A warning will show if your full URL (domain name (inclusive of https:// + page name) goes over 75 characters. Keeping it under 75 characters is not a must, but is considered best practice for SEO.

Once you are done creating the new page:

  1. Click 'Apply'
  2. Then from the bar above the page select:
    1. 'Publish‘ to make the page be available to show on the front end.
    2. 'Show On Menu’ to show on your site menu
      publish page
  3. Click Save

This page will now appear on the site menu.

Help video

This help video shows you how to add a page:

Adding a sub-page

How to add a sub page:

  1. Go to ‘Page Editor’ on the Header
  2. Right Click on the page under which you would link to create a sub page
  3. Select ‘Add’
    add sub-page
  4. Enter Page details and Select a Layout
  5. Apply
  6. Follow the rest of the same steps above for adding a page.
This Page is now a sub-page and will appear in a drop-down menu as a navigation link under an index page.

To Edit a Page

  1. Go to ‘Page Editor’ on the Header
  2. Right Click on the page you want to edit
    1. or double click on the menu item
  3. Select ‘Edit’
    edit page
  4. Remember to click save once you are finished editing your page

Making a Page Active

When you first create a page, it will not be active. This allows you to work on the page without anyone being able to see it until you are ready.

make page active

To make the page active for people viewing the page:

  1. On the top admin bar in the top right corner, hover over 'Publish'
  2. Turn 'Publish' to On.
    1. If it is not on, then it will show a 404 error to anyone viewing the page.

Making a page inactive

Simply repeat the steps above, and turn 'Publish to 'Off'.

Please note the home page cannot be made inactive.

Publishing a page to the menu

Simply making a page active will not make it appear on the  top navigation menu in the header. Not all pages on the site should be on your top level navigation and may be linked only through page content.

publish page

Publishing the page to your navigation menu

If you wish for the page to show on your navigation (tab) menu:

  1. On the top admin bar in the top right corner, hover over 'Publish'
  2. Turn 'Show on menu' to 'On'.
    1. If it is not on, then the page will still function, and simply not show on the menu.

Publishing a 'Placeholder' menu item

Placeholder menu type

As 'Placeholder' menu items don't actually contain a page, the process is slightly different to publish it to the menu:

  1. Hover over the 3 dots on the menu item
  2. Click on the 'Show on menu' item.

This will now publish your Placeholder to the navigation menu.

Placeholder menu - show on menu

Duplicating a Page

What are the advantages of duplicating a page? Often pages within your site will follow the same structure, with simply different content and images. Duplicating a page that has the right structure can save considerable time when creating new pages.

Steps for duplicating a page  or blog post:

  1. Right click on the page you wish to duplicate on your page menu
  2. Click on the Duplicate option
  3. Your page has now been duplicated and will load for you to start editing.

duplicate page

Your new duplicated page will not be published, so as not to be visible to anyone.

This help video shows you how to duplicate a page and blog post for reuse in your Limecube website.

Deleting a Page

To delete a page:

  1. Go to ‘Page Editor’ on the Header
  2. Right click on the page you want to delete
  3. A Pop-up Warning: “Are You Sure” will appear. Select Ok.

delete page

It is important to note deleting a page is irreversible, so please do this with care.

Page/menu types

Page types

Type Purpose
New page For adding a new page to your site. Click here to learn more.
New blog post For adding a new blog post to your site. Click here to learn more.
Internal link This allows you to create a menu item, that links to an existing page. This is useful for sites that want to have the same page appear in multiple places on the menu.
External link This allows you to create a menu item, that links to an external website.
Placeholder A placeholder item is for adding a new menu item, without any content in it. E.g. This can be quite useful for a services section on your menu, where the top level main service menu item serves purely as a placeholder, with sub-pages appearing under it.
Page anchor This is for creating a menu item that links to a specific part of the same page. This is really only useful for one page websites that have multiple items on a menu, that scroll the user to specific parts of your page.
Shop Only available on a trial or business plan, the shop provides you the ability to sell online. This can only be selected once per site. Click here to learn more.

404 Pages

At this time 404 pages are system generated and cannot be configured within your Limecube interface.

Tags: add page, create page, create a page, creating a page, tabs, page copy, copying a page, delete page, deleting a page, add pages, edit pages

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