Limecube Shop

Limecube Shop is all about providing a practical, fuss-free solution that places your products in front of customers faster. It's a pathway designed for Limecube users who value efficiency and effectiveness without sacrificing quality.

This help article is to help you create and manage an e-commerce shop on Limecube.

The Limecube shop has just been released this August 2023, so please keep an eye out as we roll out new shop features on our blog.

The shop is only available on the business plan.

Setting up your shop

It is important to take time to set up your shop properly. If things are not setup properly before launch, this can impact your ability to get revenue from your customers through the shop. Below are the items to make sure you cover when setting up the shop:

  1. Create your shop
  2. Adding products
  3. Setting up payment details
  4. Creating a Stripe account for credit card processing
  5. Setting up shipping
  6. Setting up your order history, to capture all orders in one location.

Creating your shop

The first step to getting started with selling on Limecube is to create your shop.

  1. Open the pages menu on the top left admin bar
  2. Click the 'Add new' button at the bottom of the pages panel
  3. Click on the 'Shop' row
  4. Enter the name of the Shop, as you want it to appear on your main site navigation. E.g. 'Shop'
  5. You have now created your shop, and are ready to start adding products.

If your site is still not live, you can add your shop to your navigation menu by clicking the 3 dots next to 'Shop' on the pages panel, and selecting 'Show on menu'

This help video below shows you the steps above.

Payment settings

Payment options are through Stripe, one of the largest payment platforms in the world. See below on how to set your Stripe account up.

Function What it does
Live API key: This key is generated and provided by Stripe, under your Stripe account. It is required for going live with your shop.
Test API key: This key is generated and provided by Stripe, under your Stripe account. It is required for testing the shop fully.
Select payment mode: Test mode should be selected until your shop is ready to launch. Make sure you have tested your shop before launching!
Select currency:

This is the currency both your shop users will pay based on, and how Stripe will take payments.

This is very important to make sure you get paid properly for your products.
Tax label: Where tax is applicable on your products, enter the tax type label here. E.g. VAT, GST etc.
Tax percentage: Enter the percentage of tax that is included in your product. At this time this only shows a label, and does not add or change the price of your product as entered in the product screen.

Available payment options

Stripe supports many payment methods such as:

  1. Cards - Including Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Diners, etc.
  2. Wallets - Including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal (limited to Europe), etc.
  3. Bank transfers
  4. Bank debits
  5. Buy now, pay later
  6. And many more

Find the full list of supported payment methods here.

By default, the following will be enabled:

  1. Cards
  2. Apply Pay (mobile only)
  3. Google Pay (mobile only)

To enable the other payment methods:

Once you logged into your Stripe dashboard, to change the supported payment methods, you can:

  1. Click on the ‘Settings’ (Gear) icon in the top right corner, then click on ‘Settings’.
    Stripe settings
  2. Under the ‘Payment’ tile, click on the link for ‘Payment methods’.
    Stripe product settings
  3. Switch on/off all the supported payment methods from this 'Payment methods' page.

Stripe Setup

Creating your account

To create a Stripe account, visit this link.

If you are creating an account for the first time, Stripe will generate your API keys for you automatically. These can be found either:

  1. On your Dashboard after login, or

    Stripe Dashboard

  2. On your API keys page here.

Now you are done with this step, head down here.

Creating an extra API Key

The instructions below, are for where you already have a key in use, and need to create an extra one.

Create a restricted API key

Once you have created your Stripe account, visit the API keys page here.

A restricted API key only allows the level of access that you specify.

Test Key Creation

Firstly, make sure you are in 'Test mode', before completing any steps below.

Stripe Test Mode

To create a restricted API key:

  1. Open the API keys page.
  2. You can create a restricted key from scratch or start by cloning an existing restricted key.
    1. To create a restricted key from scratch, click Create restricted key. In this case, the default value for all permissions is None.
    2. To clone an existing key, in the row for the key you want to clone, click the overflow menu (), then select Duplicate key…. In this case, the default value for each permission is its value in the cloned key.
  3. In the Key name field, enter a name. If you cloned an existing key, the default name is the cloned key’s name.
    1. The only option you need to select on the table is 'Checkout Sessions'
    2. Click on 'Write'
      Stripe API checkout sessions
  4. Scroll down and click Create key.
  5. Stripe sends a code to your phone or email address. (As with any email, it might not arrive immediately.) Get the code and enter it in the dialog. If the dialog doesn’t continue automatically, click Continue.
  6. The dialog displays the new key value. Copy it by clicking it.
  7. Save the key value. You can’t retrieve it later.
  8. In the Add a note field, enter the location where you saved the key and click Done.

Live Key Creation

Firstly, make sure 'Test mode' is turned off like in the screenshot below, before completing any steps below. If test mode cannot be turned off, it indicates your Stripe account has not been fully setup yet.

Stripe Live Mode

Follow the exact steps as provided above for generating a 'test key'.

Adding the Stripe keys into Limecube

Once you have generated your API keys, head over to your shop and place them into each of these 2 fields highlighted below.

stripe payment api keys


At this time, Limecube offers basic shipping methods. We'll be adding new shipping methods in the near future.

Shipping Options

Tick the shipping options that you want to offer for users checking out in your shop.

The price fields above these options align with the checkboxes below.

Order history

We currently provide your customer order history though Google sheets. By using Google sheets, you have the following benefits:

  1. Increased security. Google has top of class security on its platforms, and with the added layer of security of needing to login to Google sheets to view your customer order data, you can be sure your customer data is kept as safe as possible.
  2. The format of Google sheets makes it easy to download and run your own custom rep[orts, or import into your CRM.

You'll also receive an email copy of your customers order each time they purchase.

Google sheets is a mandatory feature, as this protects any loss of order information in case emails are missed in spam or accidently deleted.

Setting up Google Sheets

Stripe History

To view payment details:

  • go to Dashboard > Payments in your Stripe Dashboard.

Here you will see a list of your most recent payments and can filter or navigate to narrow down to find specific records.

Click on an individual payment/transaction to see all its details excluding the full credit card number.

You can also see details of individual transactions in your Stripe account. Click here to learn more.

It can take up to 5 minutes to see a new order appear in Google sheets.

Adding a product

  1. At the top of the page, click the 'add product' button.
  2. Fill out your product details. Make sure to make your product title and description engaging, to better increase your chances of selling your product.
    1. If you are struggling to write an effective product description, try the AI writer which can be found on the description
  3. Don't forget to click 'Apply' in the top right to save your product
  4. Cancel - Clicking cancel in the top right will cancel any changes you have made, and return you to the shop summary page.
  5. You can publish your product to be visible to everyone, either on this page in the top left corner, or from the admin summary page.
  6. Previewing your product - To preview your product as your buyers would, click on the 'Preview' button in the top left of the screen. Even if the product has not been published, you can still view it, as long as you are logged into the admin of your site.

Description of each option:

Item Notes
Name: This is your product name that will show throughout your shop and order emails.
URL: The page url that your product is accessed by. While the URL auto-populates based on the product name, this can be edited if you wish. Keeping it shorter is considered best practice, but be sure to keep it unique.
Price: Enter the product price. There is no need for a currency symbol, as this will automatically apply to your products, based on your 'Payment settings'.
Description: This is your product description that will show throughout your shop. Spend extra care on getting your description right, as this will increase the number of people buying from you.

Images upload to your websites file manager.

We recommend sorting your images into folders, categorised to make them easier to manage and find.

Meta Title and Description These are for SEO purposes and help you rank better in Google. Click here to learn more about Meta Title and Descriptions.
OG Title and Description

OG = Open Graph for social media.

These settings are for Social Media platforms and properly sharing your product. Click here to learn more.

Shop Dashboard

The shop dashboard shows a summary of all products that have been added to the shop.  While most information on this page is for display purposes only, there are a few functions to be aware of:

  1. In the 'Active status' column, you can switch between publishing and unpublishing your product. There is no save button required. The moment you switch this status it will be live.
  2. The 3 dots on the far right column provide the following functions:
    1. Edit - To change details of your product.
    2. Preview - To preview the product as your potential customer would.
    3. Duplicate - This will create an exact duplicate of that product. Very useful for creating similar products.
    4. Publish/Unpublish - To make your product live, or hidden from your shop.
    5. Delete - Deleting is irreversible, so please action carefully.

Shop Dashboard


Categories work well for shops that have a range of different types of products, to allow your shoppers to find what they are looking for much easier.

Creating a category:

  1. While in shop settings, click 'Categories' on the left side menu
  2. Click the 'Add category' button at the top of the page
  3. Fill out the category details /. These are defined below.
Item Notes
Name: This is your category title
URL: The page url that your category is accessed by. While the URL auto-populates based on the category name, this can be edited if you wish. Keeping it shorter is considered best practice, but be sure to keep it unique.
Description: This is your category description that will show at the top of your category page. This description is optional.
Meta Title and Description These are for SEO purposes and help you rank better in Google. Click here to learn more about Meta Title and Descriptions.
OG Title and Description

OG = Open Graph for social media.

These settings are for Social Media platforms and properly sharing your product. Click here to learn more.


If you wish to restrict this category and all the products in it, you can set a password.

By default, a category is not published when it is first created, allowing you time to set everything up. When you are ready to make your category available, either:

  1. Select 'Publish' at the top of your category while editing it, or
  2. when on the category summary page, in the 'Active status' column, change the status to 'Publish' by clicking the status and updating it.
If your category has no products assigned, it will not display. 

Categories on your site navigation menu

Shop navigation menu

To have your categories show on the top site navigation menu like the screenshot above, make sure your category is 'Published':

published category

And under your product edit screen, you have applied your category.

product category

Testing your shop

Testing is an extremely important part of setting up your shop for the first time. Limecube allows you to use test credit card details in test mode, to make sure everything is working, ready to go live. There are 3 potential scenarios that should be tested for:

Testing scenarios Card number to test
1. Payment success 4242 4242 4242 4242
2. Payment requires authentication 4000 0025 0000 3155
3. Payment is declined 4000 0000 0000 9995

For all 3 scenarios above:

  • Expiry month/year - any future dates
  • Security code - any 3 digits

Adding a product feed to other pages

You can add a shop feed to other pages by:

  1. Dragging the 'Shop Feed' element to the part of the page you want it to display
    shop feed
  2. Filling out the details in the feed options, to make it display correctly.
  3. This process can be repeated on any page you wish the feed to appear.

Shop feed settings:

Categories This feature allows you to show all products, or filter by specific categories. Filtering can be useful for such product range pages, e.g. specials, or clearance.
Number of products This controls how many products will display in this area.
Products per row

This setting controls how many products will show per row. When activated, it will resize the product preview to fit the number of products required into the width of the section.

Typically this is no more than 3 when placed in a medium-width section, or up to a maximum of 5 on a full-screen width section.

Description This setting controls whether the description will show or not show in the feed.
Page numbers This turns on/off the option to have page numbers and previous/next under your shop products for navigation.
Image thumb Controls whether the image thumb will display in this area
Product spacing Product spacing controls the space between products.
Space around text Controls spacing around the text in each product box.


Refunds are processed directly through your Stripe account. Click here to learn how.

Receipt sending

Limecube sends an order email to both the person making the purchase, as well as the site admin. This does not constitute a valid tax invoice. To setup a valid tax invoice, this is done under your Stripe account.

Automatically send receipts

Enable automated receipts with the email customers for successful payments option in your email receipt settings. You can also customise receipts.

Automatically send paid invoices

In addition to ordinary receipts, Payment Links can generate paid invoices as proof-of-payment. Stripe generates these automatically for subscriptions, but you need to enable them for one-time payments. Invoices have more information than regular receipts.

To generate invoices, first enable the email customers for successful payments option in your email receipt settings. Then, when creating a Payment Link, on the After payment tab, select Create an invoice PDF. You can also configure your invoice template in the Dashboard.

After the payment completes, Stripe sends an invoice summary with links to download the invoice PDF and invoice receipt to the email address your customer provides during checkout.

Other important pages for the Shop

  1. Create a terms and conditions page on your website.
    1. To create a terms page, visit this article on how to create a new page.
    2. You can add your own terms, or have the AI writer write terms for you. It is important to note that the AI writer won't know your business inside out, and so consider this as a starting base for your terms that will still need some editing.
  2. Create a shipping and returns information on your website.
  3. Include contact information that is easy to find. While most consumers will not contact you, it builds trust in knowing they can if they need to, and helps converts more sales.

These pages are usually added to the footer of your website, and where most consumers will go to look for these.

Email receipts/tax invoice

While an order confirmation is sent with details of the transaction to your buyer, you may at times wish to have tax invoices sent to your buyers. These can be activated under your Stripe account.

Click here to find out how.

How to delete your shop

To delete your shop:

  1. Go to ‘Page Editor’ and open the pages menu
  2. Hover over the shop page
  3. Click on the 3 dots to the right, and you'll see 'Delete'
  4. A Pop-up Warning: “Are You Sure” will appear. Select Ok.

This process is irreversible for your shop, however you can still recreate a new shop if you need.

Tags: e-commerce, ecommerce, shop, sell online, deleting shop, delete shop, removing shop

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