Titles and Headings

Importance of Titles and Headings
Clear and well-structured titles and headings are crucial for both search engines and user experience. They help search engines understand and rank your pages while making it easier for visitors to navigate and find information quickly.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engines prioritise website page titles, blog titles, and headings. Proper structuring can improve your search engine rankings.

User Experience
Titles and headings significantly impact user experience by guiding visitors through your content seamlessly. Clear and concise headings make it easier for users to scan pages and find the information they need.

By following these guidelines, you can create an effective and user-friendly structure for your website's titles and headings.

Edit/change your page title:

  1. Select the page you want to edit.
  2. Click on the Settings Icon on the page's Header Bar.
  3. Edit the Page Name.
  4. Apply Changes.
  5. Save.

You have now changed your page title.

Correct heading structure

Using appropriate heading structures (H1, H2, etc.) is essential for SEO and readability. There should only be one H1 per page, and subsequent headings should be used hierarchically.

Structuring content with headings

  1. Select the page you want to structure.
  2. Open the Content block editor or heading element, depending which option you are using.
  3. Use the text format drop-down menu to organise headings.
  4. Save your changes.

Structure Content with Headings

Heading element

Limecube's heading element allows you to add dynamic and customisable headings to your pages.

Adding a Heading Element:

  1. Find the Element: Go to the Elements panel and drag the Heading element onto your page.
  2. Heading Effects: Optionally, choose from various animation effects. Some effects allow for multiple text fields, like rotating text.
  3. Colour Settings: Customise the effect colours to match your site's palette for a cohesive design.
  4. Text Fields: Depending on whether you've added an effect, you'll have different field options to customise the animated portion of the text.
  5. Size and Style: Choose from preset styles or choose the 'Custom' option to customise the size and font properties for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
  6. Alignment: Set the heading alignment (left, center, or right). Some effects may restrict alignment options.

SEO Considerations: Use one H1 per page and maintain a proper heading hierarchy to improve both SEO and readability.

Styling headings

To style your headings, whether it's a heading element or a content block, you can use the color palette tool.

  1. Hover Over the Element:
    • For heading elements or content blocks, hover over the heading.
      • If your heading is in a content block, you cannot be in editing mode to see the style editing option.
  2. Access Style Settings:
    • Click on the colour palette icon (a coloured wheel).
    • This will open the style settings for that element.
  3. Customise:
    • Change colours, properties, and sizes as needed.

For more detailed instructions, click on this link to visit the styling page.


  1. Consistency: Ensure your headings and titles follow a consistent style across all pages for a cohesive look and feel.
  2. Clarity: Write clear and concise headings that accurately describe the content below them.
  3. Relevance: Use relevant keywords in your titles and headings to improve SEO.
  4. Hierarchy: Maintain a logical heading structure (H1, H2, H3) to guide both search engines and users through your content.


  1. Headings Not Displaying Correctly:
    • Check your style colours: Make sure your section settings or site would colour palette does not have your headings set as the same colour as the background making it appear invisible.
  2. Titles Not Updating:
    1. Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache to see the updated titles.
    2. Save Changes: Ensure you have saved changes after editing the title in the page settings.
  3. SEO Issues:
    • Duplicate H1 Tags: Ensure each page has only one H1 tag to avoid SEO penalties.

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