Footer Layouts

The footer functions like a content element within a page, but is universal, and editing it on one page changes it across all pages.

Designing the footer

Focus on these three areas for effective design:

  1. Footer Style:
    • Light or Dark style: Matches your colour palette.
    • Transparency: Adjusts based on the background image.
    • Background Image: Option to insert one.
  2. Colour Styling:
    • Use the style editor to change footer colours.
  3. Footer Layout:
    • Hover over the footer and click the edit icon.
    • Select 'Footer style' and adjust settings in the live view. Save changes to apply them across the site.

Footer style

Accessing the Footer Style:

Hover over the footer and click the edit icon:

footer edit

Editing the Footer Style:

  • Click the 'Footer Style' option.
  • Adjust the styles to suit your footer needs. These changes will be visible in the live view but will not be seen by others until you press the save button.

footer style


  • Choose from a Light or Dark style theme
  • Add transparency if you want to add a background image.

footer style options

Footer spacing

Adjust top and bottom spacing to control the footer's appearance site-wide.

footer spacing

Colour styling

Colour Options:

  • Hover over the footer and click the style icon to expand the colour options available for the footer.

footer style editor

Footer section layouts

Changing Your Footer Layout:

  1. Hover over the footer and click the icon in the top right corner to open the footer layouts sidebar.
  2. Select the required layout.

Pro Tip: Choose a footer that matches the width of your site's content for a better user experience.

Note: Social Buttons are managed separately. Learn how to add/edit social buttons here.

Editing the footer contents

Footer content uses the content block. To edit any content, simply click on the content and start editing. Learn more about using content blocks here.

To add or remove social media icons, click here for more information.

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