Making your site live on Limecube

Connecting your domain to Limecube allows you to point your domain to our site and make your domain live. For this process you will need 3 steps:

  1. Setup a subscription on Limecube. The next 2 steps cannot be performed without a subscription.
  2. From within your Limecube account, add your domain and click a checkbox indicating you are ready to go live
  3. Point your domain DNS from your on your domain hosting account to Limecube.
If you are already experienced in updating domains, you can click here to skip to:
- Pointing by 'a records'
- Pointing by 'CNAME and A Records'

Step 1. Adding your domain name

Please be aware that once you apply this change if the DNS has not been set, you will not be able to access your Limecube site until the DNS has been fully updated.

  1. Go to ‘Profile’ on the Site Header
  2. Under 'Domains' enter your full website address.
  3. Choose the version of your domain you want to make the 'Primary' version.
    primary domain
  4. You'll need to point your domain to Limecube if you haven't already. To find instructions on how, click your 'Provider' name shown in the screenshot above to get their specific instructions, or head to Step 2 below.
  5. Click the 'Domain Live' button when you are ready to launch your site.
    Domain Live
  6. Click Apply.

This help video shows you how to add your domain name to Limecube and make it live.

 Step 2. Pointing your DNS

If your domain is registered with a 3rd party domain host and you want to point it to your Limecube site. Here's what to do:

  1. Log in to your Domain Host where you registered your domain,
    1. In rarer cases, your DNS could be managed elsewhere if you have used this domain for a website or other purposes previously.
  2. Go to the section of the management panel where you can Manage your Domain DNS Settings. This will differ based on your provider, but here are some examples of what to look for:
    1. “Manage Domains”
    2. “Domain Manager”
    3. “Zone File Settings”
    4. “DNS Manager”
  3. Editing your DNS records. Once you are in the DNS Manager’s panel, take a look at how the DNS records are currently setup. Depending on the domain host’s preferences, there could be 2 scenarios in terms of how the domain DNS records are set:

Scenario 1

You will typically see 2 or 3 'A records' which look like the screenshot below. In this example, the domain is using 'A Records' that are only pointing to ‘www’, ‘@’ or ‘*’ to the same IP address. If you see a CNAME record in your list with 'www' in the Name field, skip ahead to method 2.

If you did see 2 or more records in your panel that match this, please refer to Method 1 below.

Method 1 – Pointing by A Records only

  1. Click on the edit button of the Record where the Name is ‘@’, and change the IP address in the Value or Host to:
  2. Click on the edit button of the Record where the Name is ‘www’, and change the IP address in the Value or Host to:
  3. Look for the record that the Name is ‘*’, which is usually referred as the ‘wildcard’ record. Note that this may or may not exist depending on the domain host. If it does exist, click on the edit button of this record, and also change the IP address in the Value or Host to:
  4. After making these changes, the records you’ve edited should be looking similar to this screenshot below:

Scenario 2

Some domain hosts use CNAME record for the ‘www’ hostname. If you see a CNAME record in your list, this is the method for you. If not, go back to Method 1 above.

If you see a record similar to this screenshot below, which shows an entry that has the 'Name' ‘www’ associated with the 'Type' ‘CNAME’, and the Value or Host contains the domain name e.g. ‘’ exists, please refer to Method 2 below

Method 2 – Pointing by CNAME and A Records

  1. Click on the edit button of the A Record where the Name is ‘@’, and change the IP address in the Value or Host to:
  2. You DO NOT need to change the CNAME Record.
  3. Look for the record that in the Name column contains ‘*’, which is usually referred to as the ‘wildcard’ record. Note that this may or may not exists depending on the domain host. If it does exist, click on the edit button of this record, and change the IP address in the Value or Host to:
  4. After making these changes, the records you’ve edited should look similar to this screenshot below:

With these 2 steps you have now done all you needed to, to make your website live on Limecube.

Time delay

It may take up to 2-24 hours for your domain to fully point to Limecube. This time delay is dependent on your domain host.

You may also find that within this period of time, some users will see the new site, some will see the old site.


To check and make sure your domain is pointing correctly to Limecube, it should show our IP address in this tool as per the screenshot below, and show a result of

To use this tool, simply enter your domain name in the first field where you see ', and press 'search'.

DNS Checking tool

IP address not showing

Not showing If you don't yet see showing, and 2 hours have passed, we recommend going back and checking your domain settings against the instructions above.
Only some countries show If it is simply a case that is showing on some countries and not others, that indicates your domain has started updating correctly, but not yet fully updated everywhere yet, and will just need more time.

Sometimes, even after making DNS changes, your site may not be live due to incomplete settings. Here are common issues:

  • Multiple A Records: Ensure that all A records for your domain point only to Limecube's IP:
  • AAAA Records: Make sure there are no AAAA records for your domain.


  1. Double-check your DNS settings.
  2. Use a DNS lookup tool like MXToolbox DNS Lookup.
  3. Ensure only Limecube's IP appears and no AAAA records exist.
  4. Changes can take up to 4 hours to propagate. If your site is still not live after this period, check the DNS settings again. If everything looks correct, log a support request.


MX Toolbox search


MX Toolbox Result

If you are still having trouble, please create a support ticket by clicking the button at the top of this page.

Tags: Making a site live, making my site live, getting my site online

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