Navigation menu

The navigation menu typically appears along the top header of your website. In Limecube, this menu structure is mirrored in the left column of the Page Editor, where most editing occurs. This includes all pages, even those not published to the menu.

Pages not showing on your menu? Click here to find out how to fix it.

Menu options:

Menu options

Menu navigation options

Different sites and different requirements will at times mean you need more than a standard page for your menu. Below we cover what each are for, and how they can be used.

AI Assisted Page Let AI design and write your new page.
New Page Create a new page with content.
New Blog Post Create a blog post under the blog section.
Internal Link Link an existing page in multiple menu locations.
External Link Create a link to an external website.
Placeholder Add a menu item with no content, for organizing sub-pages.
Page Anchor Link to a specific section on a page.
Blog Set up your blog.
Shop Set up your shop.

Here’s an example of a navigation menu using these options:

Working example:

Working example of menu

Add new item

  1. Click the 'Page' option in the top left corner of Limecube to expand the pages menu.
  2. Click 'Add New' in the bottom left corner.

This will open different options for creating a page or menu item. Each option is covered in detail below.

Add new item

New page

Add new page

Selecting "New page" allows you to create a new page with content. After choosing this option, you’ll be presented with various settings to customise your new page.

new page settings

Page name

This is the title of your page. The places it displays are:

  1. On the menu if set to show on the menu
  2. The page sitemap (not XML sitemap)
  3. Breadcrumbs
  4. Admin side when linking to an internal page (this will be in various parts of Limecube admin)
Page URL This is the page url that shows after your domain name, and is often used for SEO purposes. This field auto completes on filling out the page name, however you can still edit it should you wish.
Page templates

Choosing a page template helps you start with an empty page, or with a layout preset to help you set your page up if you are unsure what you will put into it. 

It doesn't matter of you choose the wrong one, pages are flexible and you can easily add or remove sections you as you need.

Once you have completed all necessary options, click appy and you can start setting up your page.

New blog post

Add blog post

Select "New blog post" when you want to create a new blog post, article, or news item. After choosing this option, you’ll be presented with various settings to customise your new blog post.

new blog post settings

Page name

This is the title of your blog post. The places it displays are:

  1. Inside your blog post as your main title
  2. On the menu if set to show on the menu
  3. The page sitemap (not XML sitemap)
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. Admin side when linking to an internal page (this will be in various parts of Limecube admin)
Page URL This is the post url that shows after your domain name, and is often used for SEO purposes. This field auto completes on filling out the page name, however you can still edit it should you wish.
Post templates

Choosing a post template helps you start with a layout preset to help you set your post up.

Once you have completed all necessary options, click appy and you can start setting up your post.

Internal link

Add internal link

Select "Internal link" to create a new menu item that links to an existing page on your site. After choosing this option, you’ll be presented with various settings to configure your internal link.

new internal link settings

Menu item name

The title of your menu item, displayed on the menu (if set to show) and the page sitemap (not XML sitemap).

Link to internal page Select from all the pages within your site to link to.

Show on Navigation Menu in the header:

Ensure to select 'show on menu' by clicking on the three dots next to the item in the menu. This is not set by default to allow for further setup.

External link

Add external link

Select "External link" to create a new menu item that links to an external website. After choosing this option, you’ll be presented with the following settings:

new external link settings

Menu item name:

The title of your menu item, displayed on the menu (if set to show).

External link URL: Include the full URL (e.g., to ensure it works correctly.
Open the link in:
  • Same Page: Directs the user to a new website, closing your site.
  • New Browser Tab: Keeps your site open in one tab and opens the external site in another.

While for desktop it is considered better to open an external link in a new tab, on mobile, at this time there is no single recommendation as to which is better, and this is more about your preference.

Show on Navigation Menu in the header:

Ensure to select 'show on menu' by clicking on the three dots next to the item in the menu. This is not set by default to allow for further setup.


Add placeholder menu item

Select "Placeholder" to create a menu item that acts as a point for organizing sub-items, without containing content itself. For example, "Services" could be a placeholder with individual service pages listed underneath.

new placeholder settings

Menu item name

The title of your menu item, displayed on the menu (if set to show) and the page sitemap (not XML sitemap).

Show on Navigation Menu in the header:

Ensure to select 'show on menu' by clicking on the three dots next to the item in the menu. This is not set by default to allow for further setup.

Page anchor

Add page anchor item

Select "Page Anchor" to create a menu item that links to a specific section of the same page or another page. This is useful for one-page websites with a top menu that navigates to different sections.

page anchor settings

Menu item name

The title of your menu item, displayed on the menu (if set to show).

Link to internal page

Choose this option if your site has multiple pages.

Section inside page

Select the section you want the menu item to navigate to from a list of available sections.

Show on Navigation Menu in the header:

Ensure to select 'show on menu' by clicking on the three dots next to the item in the menu. This is not set by default to allow for further setup.

Editing your menu

To edit your menu:

  1. Click on the Pages menu in the top left corner of Limecube.
  2. Hover over the page you want to edit and click on the three dots.
  3. Options available:
    1. Edit Page: Modify the page content.
    2. Add New: Create a new page.
    3. Duplicate: Make a copy of the page.
    4. Settings: Adjust the page name and URL, and access other tabs like SEO fields and Social Graphs.
    5. Delete: Remove the page.
    6. Set as Homepage: Replace your current homepage with this page.

In the Settings tab, you can change the page name and URL. In the SEO fields tab, enter the meta title and description and manage indexing options. The Social Graphs tab lets you set titles, descriptions, and images for social media sharing.

This help video shows how to edit the Limecube navigation menu.

Reordering your header menu navigation

To reorder your menu items:

  1. Click on the Pages menu.
  2. Hover over the page you want to move.
  3. Look for the eight small dots on the left-hand side.
  4. Hover over the dots, and you'll see a tip for drag and drop.
  5. Grab the dots and move the page to the desired position.
  6. To make a sub-page, drag the item slightly to the right under the main page.

It can be a bit tricky, so ensure you get the angle right for sub-pages.

This help video shows you how to change the order of your navigation menu using drag 'n drop.

Making a Page Active

make page active

When you first create a page, it will not be active, allowing you to work on it privately.

To make the page active for public viewing:

  1. Top Admin Bar: Hover over 'Publish' in the top right corner.
  2. Turn 'Publish' On: Activate the page for public view. If not activated, it will show a 404 error.

To make a page inactive:

  1. Repeat Steps Above: Hover over 'Publish' and turn it 'Off'. This will result in a 404 error for anyone trying to view the page.
Note: The home page cannot be made inactive.

Publishing a page to the navigation menu in the header

publish page

Simply making a page active won't display it in the top navigation menu. Here's how to show a page on the menu:

  1. Top Admin Bar: Hover over 'Publish' in the top right corner.
  2. Turn 'Show on Menu' On: Activating this will display the page on the navigation menu. If not activated, the page will function but not appear in the menu.

Publishing a 'Placeholder' menu item

Placeholder menu type

Placeholder menu items don't contain a page, so the process to publish them to the menu is slightly different:

  1. Hover Over the 3 Dots: On the placeholder menu item.
  2. Click 'Show on Menu': This will publish your placeholder to the navigation menu.

Placeholder menu - show on menu

Tips for Best Practices for Navigation Menus

  1. Keep it Simple: Use clear, concise labels for menu items.
  2. Limit Menu Items: Avoid clutter by limiting the number of top-level menu items. Use sub-menus for additional pages.
  3. Use Descriptive Labels: Make sure menu labels are descriptive and informative, helping users understand where each link will take them.
  4. Prioritise Important Pages: Place the most important pages in prominent positions (e.g., the beginning or end of the menu).
  5. Consistent Order: Maintain a consistent order for navigation items across all pages.

Below are 3 examples of clean well structured nav menus:

Corporate Site Navigation Menu

Home Services Case Studies Resources About Us Contact

Educational Site Navigation Menu

Home Courses Resources About Contact
Online Courses
In-Person Classes
Our Story

E-commerce Site Navigation Menu

Home Shop About Us Blog Contact
New Arrivals


Ensure 'Show on Menu' is turned on in the 'Publish' settings.

Drag and drop the items in the Pages menu to reorder them correctly.

Ensure sub-pages are indented correctly when dragging them under a main page.

Clear your browser cache or refresh the page to see the latest updates.

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