Header: Logo, Call to Action, Favicon

Each site includes an editable header area that allows you to customise:

  • Logo: Use text or an image for your logo.
  • Phone Number or Call to Action: Display your contact number or a call to action.
  • Favicon: Set a small thumbnail image that appears on the browser tab.

Site header

The header of your website is consistent across all pages and includes:

  • Logo: Text or image.
  • Navigation Menu: Site navigation links.
  • Phone Number or Call to Action: Display contact information or a call to action.
  • Custom Text (if available): Additional custom text.
  • Social Media Buttons: Links to social media profiles.

All these elements can be customised or toggled on/off.

Header example:

Header Example

To Edit the Header:

  1. From any page, hover over the header section.
  2. Click the edit icon.
  3. Customise the header elements.
  4. Click 'Apply'.

Header Editing

Changes will be applied across all pages.

Header layout

You can change the header layout to a different format if desired.

Steps to Change Header Layout:

  1. Click the sections icon to open different header layouts in the left panel.
  2. Select the desired layout.
  3. The header layout will automatically update.

Header Layout Change

Help Video: Watch the help video to see how to change your site's header layout.

Designing the header

When designing your header, focus on two main areas:

  1. Header Style:
    • Colour Scheme Selection: Choose the colour scheme for the header.
    • Transparency: Set transparency for desktop and mobile views.
    • Fixed Position: Decide whether the header remains fixed at the top or scrolls away with the page.
  2. Header Layout:
    • To style the header and its contents, click on the style icon in the top right corner of the header (visible on hover).

1. Header style

Hover over the header and click the edit button.

style header

Click the 'Header style' option.

header edit style

Change the styles to suit your header.

  • Colour Scheme: Select a colour from the palette that matches your desired look and feel.
  • Header Transparency: Adjust transparency, especially useful with a fixed position or page background image.
  • Scrolled Header Transparency: Set the header's transparency when users scroll down.
  • Nav Alignment: Position your navigation (left, centre, right).
  • Font Size and Style: Customise font properties.
  • Right Nav Item Spacing: Control spacing between navigation labels.
  • Page Top Spacing: Push the first page element down, useful for fixed headers.

Changes will be visible in live view but only saved when you press the save button.

header style options

2. Header layout

Click the 'Header layout' option.

header layout

This left panel slides out with the options show in the image below.

Header layouts

Header Header styling allows you to change:
  1. colours
  2. spacing
  3. the header being fixed to the top of scrolling with the page
  4. call-to-action styling
Navigation Navigation styling allows you to change:
  1. navigation menu item alignment
  2. text properties
  3. text colours
  4. padding between menu text
It is important to check each device view to see how the site looks and change styles accordingly for each device.

Adding/Changing your logo

Your site’s logo automatically links to the home page on the front end.

To Add or Change Your Logo:

  1. On the top right of your screen, click the pen icon next to the save button to open the header editing options.
  2. Click 'Logo'.
  3. For Text Logo: Type your business name into the 'Logo text' field. This text can be styled using the options below in the panel.
  4. For Image Logo: Click 'Upload Image' to browse and insert your logo.
    • If both text and image are provided, the image will be used while the text serves as the alt text for the logo image, aiding in schema.
  5. Adjust the logo image height for both Desktop and Mobile views to ensure the header size remains optimal.
  6. Click 'Apply'.

Logo changes

An important tip: It can be really exciting to start a new business and see your logo/business name on your website. This often leads to business owners wanting to see their logo as large as possible. However while it is exciting for you, most consumers care far less about a brand than what the brand can do for them. Making your logo too large can distract from the page or take up important real estate and make your site visitors miss out on other more important aspects of the page.

Adding a phone number or call to action

To Add a Phone Number or Call to Action (CTA):

  1. Click the pen icon next to the save button at the top right of your screen to open header editing options.
  2. Click 'Button/Phone (CTA)'.
  3. Options:
    • Phone: Enter your phone number for a 'click-to-call' function on mobile devices.
    • URL (Button):
      • Text: The text that appears on the button.
      • Link: Select an internal page from the dropdown or enter an external URL.

CTA and Phone

  1. Styling:
    • Button Style: Choose a style that suits your CTA.
    • Colour Scheme: Select from an existing colour palette or choose a custom colour.

CTA Options

Help Video: Watch this help video below to learn more.

Custom Text

Custom text is used for adding additional information like an address or a detailed call-to-action. This feature is available in header layouts that provide enough space for descriptive text.

To Add Custom Text:

  1. If your chosen header supports custom text, you can activate and edit it directly.
  2. If not supported, Limecube will notify you. You can then switch to a header layout that allows for custom text.

Custom Text

Adding a favicon

A favicon is a small logo displayed on the browser tab and is an important component of a website.

Steps to Add a Favicon:

  1. Open your header editor.
  2. Look for the 'Favicon' option.
  3. Browse and insert the image you want to use as the favicon, usually your logo.
  4. Click 'Apply'.


Watch the help video for detailed instructions on adding a favicon to your site.


If you are looking at how to manage your navigation, click here.

If you are looking at how to add pages to your navigation, click here.

Adding Search

To add a search function to your header:

  1. Hover over the header in admin mode.
  2. Click the edit button in the top right corner.
  3. When the header options slide out, choose 'Search element'.
  4. Switch search on.
  5. Select the page to display the search results.

Search element

Watch the video below for detailed instructions on adding a search function to your header.

Adding an iOS home screen icon for your website

On iOS devices using Safari, you can add a website shortcut to your home screen. By default, this shortcut shows a screenshot of your website. Here's how to customize it:

Creating and Uploading Your Icon:

  1. Specifications:
    • Size: 150x150 pixels
    • Format: .png
    • File Name: apple-touch-icon (case sensitive)
  2. Upload: Upload the image to the file manager in a folder called 'Misc' (create if necessary).

Adding the Icon to Your Site:

  1. Add the following code to the '<head>' tag of the desired page

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="Misc/apple-touch-icon.png">


Ensure the image meets the specifications and is placed in the 'Misc' folder.

For detailed instructions on inserting custom code, click here.


  • Keep Your Logo Proportional: While it’s exciting to see your logo on your site, avoid making it too large. A large logo can distract visitors and take up valuable space. Focus on what your brand can do for the consumers instead.
  • Use Clear and Concise Navigation: Ensure your navigation menu is straightforward, making it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for quickly.
  • Test Across Devices: Always preview your site on different devices to ensure it looks good on desktop, tablet, and mobile views.


Ensure your favicon is named correctly (apple-touch-icon.png), is 150x150 pixels, in .png format, and placed in the 'Misc' folder. Verify that the HTML code is correctly added to the <head> tag.

Some header layouts may not support all customization options. Try switching to a different header layout.

Make sure to click 'Apply' after making changes and then save the changes to ensure they are implemented site-wide.

Go to the page settings at the top of the page where the header is not showing. Under the first tab, check to make sure 'Hide header' is not selected.

The button in the header is referred to as the 'Button/Phone (CTA)'. To remove this:

  1. Hover over the header and click the edit icon
  2. Click on the 'Button/Phone (CTA)' option
  3. Remove the text in the Phone or 'Text' field.
  4. Click Apply

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