If you wish to make changes to your account details such as name, email address, password, on the top menu go to More > Profile > and follow the instructions below relating to each tab on the screen.
More > Profile > 'User Info' tab to change:
Profile photo:
Site name:
Usually your company name.
Show on blog:
First name and Last name:
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
2FA is a recommended extra layer of security to reduce the risk of anyone being able to login with your details.
By activating this setting, when you go to login next time you'll be:
Login restricted IP:
This is for increased security. There is field allowing you to place your own IP address, and to restrict anyone being able to login to your website where your login details unless they match the IP address. To find out what your IP address is, visit this site.
Recent login history:
This allows you to see the last 5 times your site has been logged into, including IP address. This can be helpful to review if you are concerned around anyone else logging into your site. If date/times don't match up with your own logins, raising concern, we recommend changing your password immediately.
More > Profile > 'Password' to change your password.
When setting a password, it is strongly recommended to use a secure password which is a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and characters.
More > Profile > 'Plan Details' to view:
Click here to learn about changing your plan.
If you need help resetting your password to access your account, refer to this article here.
At this time, we do not provide a feature for multi-access support to a site. This means only a single account can have access to your website, and anyone you share your account details with has full access to every aspect of your site.
The exception being when an approved agency is managing your site. This means if you wish for others to access your website, you will need to share your login details. Be very careful who you share site access with, and make sure you have a unique password. Also make sure you reset your password if you no longer wish the other person to have access to your site.
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